Source: HBS
: Solidarity Fund
Scholars support worldwide solidarity work The Hans Böckler Foundation’s Solidarity Fund has been supporting national and international solidarity work since 1973. It funds projects that have an emancipatory approach.
When the Chilean armed forces organised a coup against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende in 1973, Hans Böckler Foundation scholars began to support the solidarity work for Chile. A Solidarity Fund was set up for this purpose. When the military dictatorship in Chile ended in 1992, the Solidarity Fund altered its orientation. Since then the fund’s monies have financed projects at home and abroad.
The fund is financed by scholars’ and personal tutors’ donations. Scholars donate roughly 1% of their scholarship; personal tutors a part or all of their expense allowance. The sum of all scholars’ donations received is doubled by the Hans Böckler Foundation. Altogether, that makes up 100% of the funds available for projects. The funds are allocated in accordance with the German Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht [Non-profit Organisation Act] (§§ 51 - 68 AO).
A fundamental principle is that only solidarity projects in line with the purpose of the Hans Böckler Foundation’s statute “to promote science, research, education, training and the concept of co-determination” are eligible. Print costs (for readers, flyers, posters), material costs and tangible items required for the project to be carried out, as well as educational and informative events (hiring premises, leasing technical equipment, advertising) can be funded. Conferences and publications of a purely academic nature, staff costs, fees and the long-term financing of individual projects cannot be funded.
Non-profit organisations and associations (as defined in § 51, para. 2 AO; with international applications the provisions of the Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht apply correspondingly) are entitled to apply. Complete project applications with a project volume of at least 1,000 euros and as a rule up to 10,000 euros can be submitted on an ongoing basis to the Solidarity Fund. In exceptional cases funding in excess of 10,000 euros is also possible. Approval is the responsibility of the Hans Böckler Foundation.
Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis to solidaritaetsfonds@boeckler.de. The committee awarding funds meets every six months (usually in April and October).
Applications must contain the following documents:
- Application form
- Outline of the project incl. schedule and budget
- Non-profit-making certificate
- Statute
- Information on
- Organisational structure (e.g. organigram)
- Legal structure
Once the decisions have been made, the applicants will be informed of the approval/rejection; no further substantiation will be given in the event of a rejection.
Dr. Pascal Geißler
Tel.: +49 211 7778 133
More Information
- Funding criteria and application procedure (pdf)
- Solidarity fund application form (pdf)
- Solidarity fund: Brochure (pdf)
- Informationen auf Deutsch