About us

The Hans Böckler Foundation deals with Co-determination, research linked to the world of work and the support of students on behalf of the DGB, the Confederation of German Trade Unions.


The Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labour and Social Security Law (HSI) is an independent academic institute within the Hans Böckler Foundation. Its fields of work cover the entire field of labour law, with a special focus on collective and international labour law, as well as related social security law. It does not only want to pursue fundamental questions and conduct research, but also to deal with topics of current and practical importance for employees, trade unions and works councils in general.

Podium Tariftagung 2021


The Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) is an independent academic institute within the Hans Böckler Foundation. Its aim is to to strengthen the macroeconomic perspective both in economic research and in the economic policy debate. It analyses business cycle developments and conducts economic policy research, notably on fiscal and monetary policy, labour markets, income distribution and financial markets.

IMK Titelgrafik für die Startseite des Instituts

: I.M.U.

The I.M.U. is an independent academic institute within the Hans Böckler Foundation. Its mission is to help employees having a say in good corporate governance. It is the foundation's vehicle for perpetuating the codetermination success story into the future, bringing to fruition a key policy aim of the DGB and its member trade unions.



The Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) is an independent academic institute within the Hans Böckler Foundation. It focuses on the improvement of life chances, on social justice and fair working and living conditions. Economists, sociologists and political scientists work on social, economic and labour market policy issues. On the basis of their analyses, researchers elaborate policy proposals aimed at overcoming labour market restrictions and social problems to the benefit of employees.

WSI Publications in English

: Scholarships

The Hans Böckler Foundation's scholarship program for students and doctoral students is the German Trade Union Federation's scholarship program for gifted students. Our scholarship holders are studying for a degree or doctorate at a university or university of applied sciences, or are earning their baccalaureate through a second-chance education. They are active people who are committed to trade unions, sociopolitical and social issues and who achieve above-average results.
