:Ulrike Stein, PhD

Quelle: Ulrich Baatz
Rente, Löhne und Ungleichheit
Panelanalysen, Einkommensverteilung, Arbeitsmarkt, und Simulationsmodelle
+49 211 7778 339
Zur Person
Ulli Stein, PhD
Geboren 1973, Abschlüsse: Master's Degree (International Economic Studies und Quantitative Economics), MSc in Economics and PhD in Economics. 1996-2001: Studium an der Maastricht University (NL) und der University of Warwick (UK); 2001-2005: Warwick Postgraduate Research Fellowship (WPRF) an der University of Warwick; Lehrtätigkeit im Rahmen des WPRF (Economic Statistics and Econometrics, Microeconomics); 2002- 2006: Stipendiatin des Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK); 2008: Promotion an der University of Warwick (Titel: "Essays on non-wage aspects of work and utility interdependence"); Seit März 2010 Referatsleiterin für das Referat "Wirtschaftspolitische Beratung, Modellsimulation" im IMK in der HBS.
Ulli Stein, PhD
Born 1973, Degrees: Master's Degree (International Economic Studies und Quantitative Economics), MSc in Economics and PhD in Economics. 1996-2001: Studies at Maastricht University (NL) and University of Warwick (UK); 2001-2005: Warwick Postgraduate Research Fellowship at the University of Warwick; 2001-2005 teaching assistant at the University of Warwick (Economic Statistics and Econometrics, Microeconomics); 2002- 2006: Grant from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK); 2008: PhD in Economics at University of Warwick (Title: "Essays on non-wage aspects of work and utility interdependence"); Since March 2010: Senior Economist at the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) in the Hans-Böckler Foundation for economic policy advice and model simulation.