Working Paper & Studies

Recommendations and proposals from the Commission on the Work of the Future: Let´s transform work!

The world of work will change fundamentally in the coming decades. What forces are at work in the labour market? What changes are to be expected? And what does this mean for the actors in labour market policy? This final report by the Work of the Future Commission, whose members included academics, practitioners and representatives from businesses and the trade unions, offers a diagnosis of the present situation and a range of views on the future of work. Above all, however, the Commission provides food for thought on how society might manage the whirlwind of change in such a way that work in the digital economy will guarantee everyone more than just their livelihood, namely social participation and prospects for the future.


Jürgens, Kerstin; Hoffmann, Reiner; Schildmann, Christina (2018): Let´s transform work! - Recommendations and proposals from the Commission on the Work of the Future
Study der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Nr. 376, Düsseldorf, ISBN: 978-3-86593-287-7,978-3-86593-286-0 (eBook), 256 Seiten

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