Policy Brief

: The German presidency of the council and the EU social dimension

On the 1st of July, Germany will take over the rotating presidency of the council of the European Union. Even without the COVID-19 crisis, this would have been a decisive juncture. But the crisis and its aftermath allow the German government, alongside the Commission now led by former German labour minister von der Leyen, to play an extraordinary role in shaping the future of the EU, and within that, its social dimension. The policy brief discusses the priorities that the German government has set itself, while identifying areas in which efforts need to be redoubled. The critical task, of course, is to ensure as swift a recovery as possible from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Other dossiers remain important, however. The policy brief presents the state of play and discusses option in the following policy areas, amongst others: the European Pillar of Social Rights, the European Labour Authority, an agenda to monitor and improve global supply chains, the EU budget, minimum wages and incomes, the SURE scheme to support national short-time working measures, and a putative EU unemployment reinsurance scheme.

Keywords: Germany, Presidency, EU, Council, SURE, European Commission, Social Europe, unemployment, minimum wages, Covid-19, European Pillar of Social Rights, European Labour Authority


Andor, László: The German presidency of the council and the EU social dimension
IMK Policy Brief, Düsseldorf, 16 Seiten

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