Control and autonomy in app-based management - the case of food delivery riders: Foodora and Deliveroo: The App as a Boss?
The rise of digital platforms requires a deeper understanding of the structural role of algorithmic management in work environments. In this interdisciplinary study, we examine how digital platforms, which offer food delivery service, use a mobile application for management of their workforce. Drawing on interviews with self-employed riders at Deliveroo and employed riders at Foodora, we compare how the app affects the interplay between autonomy and control of riders, and how the app-based management relates to different contractual models.
Ivanova, Mirela; Bronowicka, Joanna; Kocher, Eva; Degner, Anne (2018):
Foodora and Deliveroo: The App as a Boss? - Control and autonomy in app-based management - the case of food delivery riders
Forschungsförderung Working Paper Nr. 107, Düsseldorf, 51 Seiten