Participants of the 8th FMM Summer School 2022

9th International FMM Summer School: Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies

Veranstalter: IMK
Ort: Berlin, ver.di Bildungs- und Begegnunszentrum Clara Sahlberg
vom: 29.07.2024, 11:00 Uhr
bis: 03.08.2024, 10:00 Uhr

The summer school aims at providing an introduction to Keynesian macroeconomics and to the problems of European economic policies to interested graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers. It will consist of overview lectures, a panel discussion, student study groups, an SFC lab, and a poster session. The summer school will feature leading international researchers like Robert Blecker (USA), Yannis Dafermos (UK), Sebastian Gechert (Germany), Eckhard Hein (Germany), Heike Joebges (Germany), Marc Lavoie (France/Canada), Maria Nikolaidi (UK), Miriam Rehm (Austria) and Mark Setterfield (USA), covering the following areas:

  • History and Fundamentals of Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics
  • Money and Macroeconomics
  • Cryptoassets and financial stability
  • Distribution and Growth
  • Inequality and Ecology
  • International and Development Economics
  • Economic Policy in Practice
  • Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling (SFC) (with emphasize on ecological macroeconomics)

The summer school language is English. Participants will be provided with an accommodation and meals during the summer school. There is no participation fee for the Summer School. Travel costs cannot be covered but a selected number of students may receive a partial travel stipend from INET's Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) based on their application and travel requirements. 

The deadline for applications ended on 29 February 2024. Applicants will be informed by mid-May and participants will be provided with a reading package.


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