
29th FMM Conference: Gendering Marcoeconomics

Veranstalter: Hans Böckler Stiftung
Ort: Berlin, Holiday Inn Conference Center
vom: 23.10.2025, 08:00 Uhr
bis: 25.10.2025, 20:00 Uhr

For a long time, macroeconomic analyses overlooked the role of gender, assuming that policies and crises affected individuals uniformly. However, recent research has increasingly highlighted gender-specific impacts of macroeconomic policies, uncovering how, for example, fiscal policy generates differing outcomes for men, women, and non-binary individuals. These disparities are often deeply entwined with labor market dynamics, where wage gaps, unequal employment opportunities, and imbalances in workforce participation persist. Such inequities are further compounded by the systemic undervaluation of unpaid labor and care work, disproportionately carried out by women.

Addressing these imbalances requires innovative approaches, which aim to close economic gaps and promote inclusive growth. Equally critical is examining the intersection of globalization, climate change and gender, revealing how trade, climate conditions, and financial flows reshape inequalities in the Global South and North. Therefore, this year's FMM conference wants to put more focus on the interactions between gender and macroeconomics.

Panel discussions will take place on the evenings of the conference. Elissa Braunstein (Colora-do State University), Diane Elson (University of Essex), Özlem Onaran (University of Greenwich), Ajit Zacharias (Levy Economics Institute), Miriam Rehm (University Duisburg-Essen), Caren Grown (World Bank), Izaskun Zuazu (University Duisburg-Essen) and Margit Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger (Austrian Institute of Economic Research) have confirmed their participation.

The submission of papers in the following areas is particularly encouraged:

•    Gender, Diversity and the Labor Markets
•    Impacts of Macroeconomic Policies and Crises on Gender
•    Policies and Policy Innovations for Gender Equity
•    Gender and the Socio-Ecological Transition
•    Globalization, Trade and Gender
•    Political Economy and Gender

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Sabine Nemitz

Zugehörige Themen